Chipotle Chili with Rice is an easy, one pot meal that can be on the table in under 30 minutes. It's made with easy ingredients and has tons of flavor...
Our recipe for Tender Buttermilk Biscuits is so easy, there's no need to use packaged biscuits again. All you need is Country Crock®, buttermilk, a few...
The dipping sauce for our Sake Shrimp Skewers doubles as a sauce in this light and fragrant tofu and vegetable stir fry. Reserve the sesame seeds and cilantro...
In this recipe, a little bit of our coconut flour goes a long way. These quick and easy muffins are beautifully fluffy and moist, and are a great family...
This better-for-you main-dish salad is quick, colorful and full of satisfying texture. To explore a variety of grains, substitute 3 cups cooked regular...
Chicken breasts seasoned with Hidden Valley® Ranch Seasoning and chili powder are simmered in a slow cooker with green chiles and white beans to make...
Four Cheese Mashed Potato Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms make a fast and filling vegetarian main course hot off the grill or turn this recipe into an appetizer...
Chunks of chicken and chorizo slices are cooked with a colorful blend of veggies until just done, then blended with white rice and broth for a quick and...
These turkey teriyaki meatballs from Natasha Kravchuk of Natasha's Kitchen are juicy and so flavorful with a homemade teriyaki glaze. They come together...
Rice is a regular at most dinner tables, so keeping this side dish fresh and exciting can be a challenge. Adding the sweet taste of onions and pan-roasted...
Our Honey Butter Spread recipe takes just minutes to whip up and is delicious on just about everything. Spread it on breads or muffins, use it to top fish,...
Scooped-out zucchini 'boats' are grilled with a creamy tomato-basil sauce and shredded cheese, and topped with parsley for a great summer barbecue side...
You've never tasted turkey burgers so good! Ground turkey mixes with a creamy herb and garlic soup resulting in bold burgers you simply can't resist. Plus,...
The bright, zesty flavor in this recipe comes from fresh lemons. When you combine that flavor burst with savory chicken thighs and our rice, you get a...
Made ahead of time and kept refrigerated, this pasta salad with cherry tomatoes, yellow bell pepper, and artichoke hearts and fresh basil is a real time...
Bring a touch of Hawaii to your home with this island favorite. Ground beef, gravy, rice & eggs make an ono (yummy) breakfast that will please your ohana...
Ground cumin and grated fresh ginger give this pumpkin-bean soup a touch of class. Serve the creamy blended recipe as a main dish or side dish. A swirl...
Use your magic to decorate these delicious little ginger guys, made from Duncan Hines Spice Cake Mix. Or start a family tradition by making Gingerbread...
Served as a walk-around appetizer in mugs or as a sit-down first course, this creamy soup is as easy as it is delicious -- a mushroom-lover's delight and...